Castelli Book Club



Comments from ex members


Liz Hopkins - 11/02/2013 12:04

Dear Margie,

I would so love to come. . . . . . . Pretty good timing for me. David is at his Massey re-union and doing maintenance in Weston-on –the- green !!  (I always opt out of that one!!) BUT we in Kenya have our elections on the 4th March. Being a completely positive person.......

I think what happened in the last election will NOT happen again. But my feeling is that it will be a hung election and maybe travel around that time might not be wise!!

So half count me in - and let me know what the book is !!

It would be lovely to see you and Maurizio and of course the girls who were there when I was !


Love Liz x


Helle Dickerson – 01/02/2013 10:47

Dear Margie,

Great to hear of your plans to celebrate the 35th year of the Castelli Bookclub. Unfortunately we will not have arrived in Italy by then, but do give all my love to all whom I know and look forward to hearing all about it.

As you know, I have sort of given up on the book club as the meetings never seem to coincide with our stays in Italy. Though I would like if we could meet up in Rome some time in the spring. We plan to be at Casanova just before Easter and stay until end of May. I will call you when we have got there.

Gillian kindly sent your email address which I note is different to the one I had. Thank you for removing me from the general mailing list as it did seem pointless to be involved in your many communications re club dates.

Have a lovely time in early March ( Womens Day !!!!! ); good of you to keep going.

Much love Helle.


Helle Dickerson - 05/02/2013  10:19

Hello again Margie,

Glad to hear you have some 'oldies' coming to the reunion. Unfortunately I am not able to  come but wish you all a lovely time together.

I realise I gave you Jill Bourchier's old email but guess you have the new one as you have heard from her recently.

I really do hope we can meet in the spring; you could make a trip to Toscana and stay at Casanova and may be Gillian will around too!

Much love, Helle.


Jill Bourchier – 31/01/2013 19:06

Another long standing member and a voice from the past!! Hi Margie, I have a broken ankle at the moment which is due to come out of plaster on 1st March and your planned reunion sounds an ideal alternative break to me, particularly as it would be in Rome, as long as someone could drive me out to the country. It's reckoned that I'll be able to drive three weeks after the plaster has been removed, so hopefully it would fit in well. It would be marvellous to catch up with everyone after all these years!! Jill


Christina Cicconi – 15/02/2013 19:31

Dear Margie,

I have kept putting off answering your email in the hopes I could come to the 35th reunion. Sadly, I am afraid I will not be able to come its just too complicated and expensive, but I will look forward to getting the report and hopefully some photos?

It seems only a short time ago that we had the 20th anniversary in Rocca di Papa! Its great the bookclub is still going strong.

love Christina


Fiona Morrison – 03/02/2013 16:58

Dear Margie,

35 years! We originals ARE old!!!

I cant make it this time but hope you all have a grand reunion. Photos afterwards please.



Jill Bourchier - 05/03/2013  14:16

Hi Margi, Well, the cast is off but my foot is terribly swollen so there's no way I'm going to be able to get to Rome at the weekend. I am so disappointed, particularly as I found photos the other day of our last reunion. I am very fed up about this because I was so looking forward to meeting up again with you all. I'm wondering if we can somehow talk on Skype at the reunion? My other thought is that I'll time my next visit to Maggie in Rome around one of the bookclub meetings which would be great fun. I'll certainly be there with you in spirit - let's raise our glasses together and maybe see each other on Skype? Big hugs to everyone, J x

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